Friday, August 16, 2013

Prehistoric art

Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel Germany 40,000 BC  mammoth tusk

Venus of Hohle Fels. Germany Mammoth tusk
 Horse - Germany Mammoth Tusk

South Africa 
77,000 BC

Friday, August 9, 2013

Inferno 5 - Dore's etchings

Gustave Dore 
There are 136 plates in the Dante series. 

Dante Series

Lion1.43 Lion
Shewolf1.88 Shewolf
Dark Wood1.136 Dark Wood
Dark Wood2.1 Dark Wood
Beatrice2.70 Beatrice
Gate of Hell3.7 Gate of Hell
Charon3.76 Charon
Limbo4.40 Limbo
Poets in Limbo4.94 Poets in Limbo
Minos5.4 Minos
Lustful5.31 Lustful
Paolo and Francesca5.136 Paolo and Francesca
Dante's swoon5.142 Dante's swoon
Cerberus6.25 Cerberus
Gluttons6.61 Gluttons
Plutus7.7 Plutus
Avaricious and Prodigal7.25 Avaricious and Prodigal
Wrathful7.115 Wrathful
Styx8.28 Styx
Wrathful8.40 Wrathful
Outskirts of Dis8.112 Outskirts of Dis
Furies9.43 Furies
Celestial messenger9.88 Celestial messenger
Farinata9.127 Farinata
Farinata10.40 Farinata
Anastasius' tomb11.4 Anastasius' tomb
Minotaur12.10 Minotaur
Centaurs12.61 Centaurs
Centaurs 212.76 Centaurs 2
Harpies13.10 Harpies

WrathfulWrathfulStyxAvaricious and ProdigalLustfulAnastasius' tombHarpiesCentaurs 2CentaursMinotaurFarinataFarinataOutskirts of DisFarinataFuriesCelestial messengerCerberusWrathfulPaolo and FrancescaDante's swoon

These next two plates are from John Milton's Paradise Lost and show satan and his army of rebel angels getting cast out of heaven. these two engravings inspired the shot in LOTR where gandalf and the balrog fall into the underground lake

O fond Arachne! thee I also saw
Half spider now in anguish crawling up
Th’ unfinish’d web thou weaved’st to thy bane!

Complete book of Dante with Dore's etchings at appropriate chapters.